Monday, 11 March 2013

Naming Our Production Company .

To name out company we first decided to think about things that would, for us, depict what an independent film company was.

Amongst the ideas we discussed was the concept that, being lower budget there is less risk of creatively experimenting in an independent film. Therefor they may seek to portray scenes that the mainstream media does not. To fit in with this we thought of using the titles 'Subterfuge', 'Fly on the wall' or 'Letterbox'. All of these suggest the the audience that they will be exposed to something they might usually not be.

From this, we moved onto the idea that an independent production company with no ties to any conglomeratory giants. This would therefor mean the company could stand alone and that the creative flair would not be held back by its corporate ties. We decided a word that defined this for us would be 'Solitude'.

                 Solitude: (noun) The state or situation of being alone.
                          Synonyms: privacy - seclusion - isolation

We then undertook the task of turning our chosen name into a recognisable logo. these will be shown in future posts.

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